Mixed lettuce
Cherry tomato
Red onion
Pigeon breast
White wine
Truffle oil
marinate pigeon breast with olive oil, crushed garlic, bay leaves and rosemary about 2 hours.
Celeriac puree
heat up olive oil in a sauce pan, add fine chop shallots, garlic, sauté for a minute add thin sliced celeriac , chop thyme, sauté another minute. Then put some white wine, double cream and chicken stock, stir often to avoid sticking on pan. Cover with a lid and cook in a slow heat for half an hour. Take out from fire, put in a blender and make a smooth puree.
Celeriac crisp
Heat up little chicken stock, mean time slice very thin celeriac and quick blanch it in chicken stock, put in a non-stick tray, sprinkle smoked sea salt and olive oil then keep in a hot cupboard to dry (best if you can put it in a dehydrator), it will be ready by 2 hours.
Sweet pepper confit
de seed some bell pepper, sprinkle some salt and pepper, olive oil and slow cook (120 c) for half an hour. Cool down and fine jullian and keep aside.
Presentation of the dish
Dressed hand full of mixed lettuce, thinly sliced red onion and cucumber. Put it middle of a plate. Meantime heat up pan, quick seal both side of pigeon breast, then put under grill. Heat up celeriac puree, decorate the plate with zig zag style with puree. Arrange pigeon breast on the side of the dressed salad, sprinkle around pepper confit and garnish with celeriac crisp.